hief Minister Arvind Kejriwal interacted with instructors of Dilli Ki Yogshala today. He sought their feedback on taking Yoga to the ground like a mission at over 500 places in Delhi. The CM held in-depth discussions with the trainers and asked them to share whatever problems they have faced in taking their classes till now. The CM also greatly appreciated their skill and patience in conducting the classes. Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said, “Yoga is not a one day affair for Delhi Government; we mean business; ready to scale up Dilli Ki Yogshala radically.
Delhi Government wants to make Yoga a mass movement in Delhi through the free training program; this is a first of its kind experiment in the country. We want to scale up our Yoga classes from 500-600 sessions to 5,000-6,000 sessions everyday. I have sensed that people gain a peace of mind in our classes not just by doing yoga but by also getting a community to interact with and talk their heart out.” Deputy CM Manish Sisodia said, “There aren’t perhaps as many people doing yoga every morning in any other city in the country as in Delhi. Soft Skill & Personality Development training has been a huge component of the special training given to our instructors.”
Arvind Kejriwal said, “Today is not the International Yoga Day, yet you see the Delhi Government happily celebrating the art of Yoga by conducting a deep dive analysis of its own programme. This means that the Yogshala programme is not a one-day affair for the Delhi Government. We mean business. We want to scale this up to an unprecedented level in the future. I loved indulging in such a fruitful discussion and taking feedback from those who have taken this mission to the ground.”
Talking about his own experience of the interaction, the CM said that he could sense that the programme is widely successful just by looking at the faces of the instructors. “Had the programme not been so successful the faces of the instructors wouldn’t be so lit up. This shows that they see pleasing footfall in their sessions everyday. There was healthy and constructive feedback from all corners but no one raised a finger on what the program lacks if at all it did. My favourite outcome from the discussion is the success of the training of building interpersonal relationships that has been imparted. The way our instructors showed patience in adversity was great. Be it calmly talking to the people of opposition parties trying to stop sessions or any other roadblocks. The team moved ahead without breaking into fights and instead won them over with their approach.”
As per the Chief Minister the biggest hurdle while designing the programme was whether it could be developed into a model system. He said, “Once you develop a model it is easy to keep on multiplying your project even a thousand times as you have cracked the common factor. The pilot is the most difficult of it all. This is where we won. We successfully developed a model of Yoga training. I congratulate all the instructors, the whole team and especially the Vice Chancellor of DPSRU on this. They have done a remarkable job out of a one of a kind experiment. We will now replicate the model. We will scale up the current 500-600 number of classes to 5,000-6,000. Our beneficiaries would go up from 30,000 to lakhs of citizens. We have to strive that there is a functioning Yoga class in every mohalla and colony of Delhi. So that people get access to free training next to their doorstep.”
He went on to appreciate the quality of lessons taught in the sessions and said that even though Yoga is a sort of art and science on its own, the true skill rests in the instructor who bridges the gaps of learning in the field. “Delhi is an urban area. The life of an urban citizen is very lonely and tense. This city can be harsh for people. The interpersonal bonding are a little off the mark as you’d expect them. Some parents and children share much damaged relationships. Neighbours don’t get along. The elderly feel lonely. Hearing the instructors’ experiences I have sensed that our programme has helped such people get a helping hand to access a feeling of community and society, to talk their heart out. This is a huge need in the state.”
On this occasion, Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia said that Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had a dream that we can make every single person of Delhi to do yoga. “It is one thing to do yoga and talk about yoga on International Day of Yoga and do doorstep delivery of yoga at a person’s home or in a park. Upon CM’s directions we kicked off the “Dilli ki Yogshala” program in Delhi. I am happy that there aren’t perhaps as many people who do yoga early in the morning in any other city of the country as in Delhi. The special thing about the soldiers who made the Chief Minister’s dream come true is that they have taken special training. At the same time, we all had a lot of emphasis on their training. Because they have to interact with the general public. Therefore, they were trained in soft skills and personality development as well. They were given training that suits everyone, including yoga and meditation.”