Home Global G7 Should Inject $50B in A.I. Deployment To Full Proof Cyber Security : 5JR Analyst

G7 Should Inject $50B in A.I. Deployment To Full Proof Cyber Security : 5JR Analyst

by HE Times

n 13th June G7 Summit 2021 got concluded at Cornwall, U.K. with seven member countries USA, UK, Canada, Japan, Italy, Germany, France highlighting their concern on increasing cybersecurity risks like Cyber Attacks, Ransomware and other Cyber Crimes.
5Jewels Research (5JR) has analyzed CARBIS BAY G7 SUMMIT COMMUNIQUÉ issued by G7 countries jointly and have taken cognizance of the fact that Cyber Security has emerged as biggest priority for G7 leaders along with Health (Covid-19), Climate Change and Human Rights.
This implies emerging importance of Digital Economy and its uninterrupted functioning across the World, which is getting targeted by frequent Cyber-attacks and Ransomware threats in which cyber criminals asks for money in lieu of giving access of comprised digital systems and data.
5Jewels Research believes that G7 leaders have adopted a resolution in this recently concluded summit for largely fixing source side problems of Cyber-attack by designating accountability to some of the countries from where most of the cyber attacks and ransomware crimes gets originated, while keeping silence on jointly deploying suitable solutions for preventing such cyber-attacks and crimes.
Sharing his views on recent Carbis Bay G7 Summit Communique, Chief Analyst of 5Jewels Research Sumant Parimal has said “It is good to note that Cyber security has emerged as a key agenda for G7 Summit 2021 in line with Quad Summit 2021, which highlights how much importance Digital Business Ecosystem has created for all concerned countries, but we do believe that only source based resolution for cyber-attacks and cyber-crimes are not enough for safeguarding G7 member countries Digital Economy ecosystem.

G7 countries also need to work on enhancing their Cyber Security systems by deploying targeted A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) based threat detection and prevention solutions, which proactively defeats efforts of cyber attackers to compromise systems and data”.


“With increasing complexity of cyber-attacks, cyber-crimes and other risks associated with these Cyber-attacks we do believe that super intelligent, self-learning, adaptive and self-responsive threat protection, and prevention systems based on A.I., Machine Learning, Deep Learning solutions should be deployed at key Digital infrastructure establishments of G7 countries.
However as per our estimate, at present G7 countries are directing only around 0.1% of their Tech. Spend towards deploying A.I. solutions for Cyber Security, which need to be increased over 10-fold. We do believe that G7 Should Inject $50B in A.I. Deployment to Full Proof Cyber Security with immediate effect starting current fiscal” Sumant Parimal said further.

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