Home Politics New Indian Parliament May Host Robots As Future MPs!

New Indian Parliament May Host Robots As Future MPs!

by HE Times

New Delhi/11th Dec. 2020/Rajesh Sinha

Imagine, for a moment, the perfect politician. What knowledge, skills, and attributes should she or he possess?

If the primary goal of elected politicians is to represent their constituents and implement an effective policy agenda, then the perfect politician must possess three types of knowledge. First, our perfect politician should understand the issues affecting his or her constituents: what are their grievances, what challenges face their communities, what policies would they like to see changed? Second, the politician requires both formal and informal knowledge of the policymaking process in order to be successful. Finally, to craft policies that will resonate with the public and propel the country forward as a collective whole, the perfect politician should have a thorough grasp of the country’s past, its current challenges, and the problems ahead.

Chief Analyst of ‘5 Jewels Research’ , Sumant Parimal, a Globally recognized ‘AI’ (Artificial Intelligence) thought leader, has said that the New Indian Parliament Building May Host Robots As Future M.Ps. , so its design and facilities should be structured keeping in mind deployment of emerging Technologies like ‘AI’ and ‘Robotics’.

In a message released yesterday on a historic day for India when PM Modi laid foundation stones of ‘New Building of Indian Parliament’, Sumant Parimal said, Today is a historic day for India as new Indian Parliament building project started construction.

This new Parliament building should meet aspirations of the people in terms of real time views and ideas representations inside the Parliament. And this is possible by use of modern Technologies like ‘AI’ and ‘Robotics’ , which are capable of processing in real time views and aspirations of Indian people, making true democracy to be incorporated in the new Parliament. For that our Govt. and our Legislation should be ready to incorporate Robotics in the new Parliament in such a way, that in future it may be possibility that robots to be also authorized and recognized as representative for people’s voice, opinion and aspirations.

So our M.Ps. (Member of Parliaments) may have to work along with the Robots like what human being already doing in shop floors and factories where Robots are already working with the human workforce. So in similar ways, our new Parliament building should have all facilities to host Robots may be as future M.Ps.. This is the future” Mr Sumant said further.

Adding further Parimal Said, It may happen that the people’s wishes will be reflected by these Robots, it may happen that these Robots fetches in real time what all going on in various constituencies, and what are the peoples problems, and to prepare a draft for discussion in Parliament and to prepare and assist our MPs in getting insights of the people’s problems and what are the various solutions. They may help M.Ps. to identify future way outs. So a Co-BOT (Collaborative Robot) in Indian Parliament is inventible sooner or later. So my opinion here to the Project Ownership team is to build a parliament which is suitably accommodative towards future Technologies like ‘AI’ and Robotics.

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